Support Our Mission
Would you consider partnering with us monthly?
We have now merged A Faithful Presence with New Bridge Austin under one nonprofit - Tax ID 81-2401614. Any gift will ensure all our incredible initiatives will continue to make an impact in our community.
Thank you for partnering with us in this good work! We truly appreciate your support.

What our partners are saying
“We went to Community First! Village when we were in Austin last year. After seeing firsthand how they care for people, we knew Dustin & Christina were a perfect fit to lean into this incredible movement. We’re grateful to support A Faithful Presence.”
— Summer
“We support A Faithful Presence because we believe in the importance of community. We believe that everyone’s story matters. We are excited to support a mission that meets people where they are at and provides a safe and empowering community full of love and intentionality. And because the Hites are some of the best people we know.”
— A & K
“We are delighted to support the work that Dustin, Christina, and the girls do through A Faithful Presence. Their faith, personalities, and life experiences have come together in a unique way to be encouragers for those who are living in Community First! Village. We’ve seen firsthand the way they generously love those who live on the margins. While we are not in a position to do this work, we value it’s importance and feel proud to have a small role in supporting them.”
— Lynn
“I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
- Ephesians 4:1-3