A Faithful Presence Media
Read & listen to learn more about our story & approach
Blog for MCUSA
“Chronic homelessness can last years or even decades, and there are no simple solutions or quick fixes. In fact, chronic homelessness seems to confound many social service systems which are mostly designed to deal with emergency situations and rapid rehousing. These people, who are made in God’s image, seem to be living right at the intersection of several failing systems, yet they are often only thought of — and most avoided — when they’re sitting at the intersections of our busiest streets”
Sermon at The Practice Church
Weaving together her experience with foster care, background in therapy, and leading a nonprofit, Christina shares how to stand in solidarity with people on the margins. By widening our circle of who we consider to be our family we can practice radical kinship and are transformed in the process.
Video - Community Happens Here
At Mobile Loaves & Fishes, we believe that once people are properly housed and their basic needs are being met, they can begin healing from the ravages of living on the streets. But for our homeless friends to truly settle, heal and transform their lives, they need much more than four walls and a roof to no longer be homeless. They need relationships. They need dignity and a renewed sense of hope. They need community.
Podcast with Gospel Con Carne
Community First! Village is a place where men and women from different walks of life find restoration and healing, and our Missional neighbors play a vital role in this process through intentional relationship building. Christina Hite and her husband, Dustin, have been living in the Village missionally for almost a year. Living in Peoria, Illinois with no intention of moving, a tour of Community First! Village in 2019 changed everything.
Podcast with Legacy Collective
In this week’s episode, we interview Christina Hite, the Co-Founder of A Faithful Presence, to hear the incredible impact they are making on the lives of their neighbors at Community First! Village who used to be chronically homeless, what life now looks like living and walking beside them through life’s joys and challenges, and discover ways for our listeners to get engaged.
Podcast with Tiny Spark
What Does a Community-Based Approach to Chronic Homelessness Look Like? Today, we’re talking about how to ensure housing for all. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has reported that in the United States last year, nearly 600,000 people experienced homelessness on a single night. So, we’re going to spend time with a nonprofit that has a theory about why so many are without a place to live and what to do about that.
What Our Partners Are Saying
“We went to Community First! Village when we were in Austin last year. After seeing firsthand how they care for people, we knew Dustin & Christina were a perfect fit to lean into this incredible movement. We’re grateful to support A Faithful Presence.”
— Summer
“We support A Faithful Presence because we believe in the importance of community. We believe that everyone’s story matters. We are excited to support a mission that meets people where they are at and provides a safe and empowering community full of love and intentionality. And because the Hites are some of the best people we know.”
— A & K
“We are delighted to support the work that Dustin, Christina, and the girls do through A Faithful Presence. Their faith, personalities, and life experiences have come together in a unique way to be encouragers for those who are living in Community First! Village. We’ve seen firsthand the way they generously love those who live on the margins. While we are not in a position to do this work, we value its importance and feel proud to have a small role in supporting them.”
— Lynn
Somehow we received an award!
“We are excited to announce that the 2021 recipients of the "Leaving a Legacy" award are Christina and Dustin Hite!
Christina and Dustin invest heavily in the foster care and adoption community, they live with intentionality in a community supporting those coming out of chronic homelessness, and they invest deeply in their faith community. Everyone that crosses their path is viewed as a neighbor and welcome at their table. They are an example to us all on how to live a life of impact and leave a legacy in doing so!
Congrats Dustin & Christina! Thank you for investing in Legacy, your community, and with others across the country!”