Our Approach
Our Mission
Co-creating environments of healing and belonging by neighboring well.
Guiding Principles
The image of God resides in each of us.
We look for and recognize the image of God in every person, honoring the inherent dignity of each individual. We offer respect and call out the best in one another. We work toward equity focusing on mutual empowerment reflected in our shared life together. We challenge our prejudices by acknowledging, honoring and celebrating our differences.
Spiritual care begins with safety. It’s strengthened through solidarity.
We are trauma-informed, healing-centered, and relationships-driven. We take a pastoral approach to ministry by leaning into love and walking alongside folks as they navigate the joys and challenges that life throws their way. We know that many small moments of positive, safe interaction gradually builds trust with our neighbors who haven’t always had supportive relationships.
Micro-moments matter.
We are place-based and rooted in our neighborhood. With an incarnational approach to ministry, we are not only present for events, services, and gatherings, but for the day-in and day-out happenings of life. We value intentional listening and spend much of our time being present vs. doing ministry.
Hurt happens in relationships; so does healing.
We were created for community and wholeheartedly believe that no one should live in isolation. Folks who have experienced relational harm like neglect, abuse, marginalization, and loss of family, end up in protection mode for survival. We are compassionate witnesses to this reality, and aim to lead with and lean into genuine connection with one another. We widen the circle of family, center those who have been marginalized, and live with the understanding that our shared humanity makes us kin.
Jesus is the center of our life and our ministry.
We are a Christian ministry that respects and honors the unique traditions of each of our neighbors. We follow Jesus’s example of love and inclusion by creating spaces that are grounded in love and grace. We live with hope and are committed to doing all we can to bring God’s kingdom of peace & justice here on earth.
“The problem with the world is that we draw the circle of our family too small.”
- Mother Teresa
“Relationships matter: the currency for systemic change was trust, and trust comes through forming healthy working relationships. People, not programs, change people.”
— Bruce D. Perry